What does "radio" and "television" mean to you?

I was invited by eMail to join CBC's InCanada Panel, which included a series of questions. They asked about radio and television networks and my viewing/listening/reading habits.

I didn't know what to say as they didn't define the terms as clearly as I think they need to in order to get the information they need.

For instance, when asked about television I gave an estimate of video I watch on a television screen. Later questions spoke about viewing on set-top boxes, but included that as Internet which suggested the estimates I gave were wrong.

A few months ago we dropped Cable TV, with most of my viewing already being via DVD's, Netflix, or other online content. I purchased an ATSC tuner and aerial for a television we have upstairs, and other than the watching I did when I set it up I haven't watched it. That tuner sits there for that case when we might want to be watching something on a "live" broadcast (some emergency or event like we saw in Sept 11, 2001), but I doubt it will get much use.

Do I watch shows that are CBC content? The current show Rina and I are both watching together is Being Erica, which is CBC content we are watching via NetFlix. While we know the show is highly unlikely to get new episodes, we are thoroughly enjoying watching the already produced episodes. Is that something CBC was asking in their survey, or is that "internet" content that they don't consider to be related to their content?

I am a regular listener to the CBC shows The House and Spark, both automatically downloading the MP3 files via an RSS feed. I don't listen to either as over-the-air radio, but they are both "radio shows" aren't they? Or is that also not what CBC was talking about, and thus I should not have included those hours as radio listening?

If you exclude the content I access via the Internet or via non-broadcast means such as DVD's, I don't really watch TV or listen to Radio much at all. There is a radio in the car when I am riding with someone, but nearly all my transportation is via bus/train where I am listening to my own audio/video I've downloaded to my phone and/or tablet. On those infrequent occasions I'm in someone elses car (And I include Rina's car here), I am not the one who chooses the channel so is it even "my" listening at all?


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