Canadiana JHOVE report
This article is based on a document written to be used at Code4Lib North on May 11’th , and discusses what we’ve learned so far with our use of JHOVE. What is JHOVE? The original project was a collaboration between JSTOR and Harvard University Library, with JHOVE being an acronym for JSTOR/Harvard Object Validation Environment. It provides functions to perform format-specific identification, validation, and characterization of digital objects. JHOVE is currently maintained by the non-profit Open Preservation Foundation, operating out of the UK (Associated with the British Library in West Yorkshire). Standard JHOVE modules for AIFF, ASCII, BYTESTREAM, GIF, HTML, JPEG, JPEG2000, PDF, TIFF, UTF8, WAVE, XML, MP3, ZIP. What is Canadiana doing with JHOVE? As of the last week of April we generate XML reports from JHOVE and include them within AIP revisions in our TDR. At this stage we are not rejecting or flagging files based on the repo...