MP Meetings: David Graham and David Lametti
I've met a few dozen federal MPs so far, and given how important technology law is to me I am always wanting to be introduced to and meet with more. This is why I was so happy when I heard that a very technology savvy MP was going to be joining us for a GOSLING gathering on April 15th this year. This was David Graham ( Laurentides — Labelle ) about the only Canadian MP I've heard being spoken of highly on SlashDot as this is a person already well known in the Linux and FLOSS community. As technology literacy of politicians is a huge problem (it is what allowed most discussions around the "paracopyright" part of Canada's Copyright law to sound more like a scene from Harry Potter than actual science and technology), I was so happy to be meeting someone who would understand these issues. When I went to introduce myself, David asked me what I was doing. Demonstrating what makes him a good politician he explained that he knew me well, and reminded me of the vari...