I work at Canadiana because I believe what they do is important (not other way around)
My article discussing why I believe a Canadiana.org and CRKN.ca merger could be great has received more page hits than my article discussing why "Copyright-free" material is not edging out Canadian educational texts . I consider this to be great news that interest is high. For anyone dropping in on my blog for the first time, I should clarify who I am. I've been involved in the Free/Libre and Open Source Software (FLOSS) movement since 1992 when it was simply known as Free Software. From this I grew to become active in the related Open Access, Open Education, Open Government, and related Open * movements. I increased my policy work in 2001 due to a consultation on Copyright which included "technological protection measures" , and spent more than a decade speaking with fellow authors (software and non-software) as well as some of our political opponents (often representatives of intermediaries who in my opinion falsely claim to represent the interests of au...