Multiple connections to the Canadian Heritage Information Network (CHIN) LOD project
One of the things I like about working at is the links between what I'm paid for (systems and software design,administration,maintenance) and other aspects of my life. A project we have with the Canadian Heritage Information Network (CHIN) is an example. A Linked Open Data Internet Hosting Project Canadiana's primary involvement in the project is to host the Artefacts Canada Linked Open Data website . The platform was developed by another contractor for CHIN, and is built upon two NoSQL database servers with Solr for text search and Blazegraph as a graph database . The 'aclod' (Artefacts Canada Linked Open Data) application is written in Java , and runs within a Jetty . Part of why we wanted to partner with CHIN is that we are growing our access platform and need to explore graph database technology for Linked Open Data (LOD) projects. The graph database would be in addition to our existing use of Solr, CouchDB and MySQL. Our metadata architect, softw...