Windows 10 the last desktop version of Windows? The future is unevenly distributed...
I was pointed to a Linux-centric article that included the following section which surprised the person who pointed it out: Windows 10 will be the last desktop version of the operating system that once gave Microsoft dominance in the PC software market. After that, Windows will be offered on a subscription basis and run from the cloud, but this will not be a Microsoft-exclusive cloud. Internally, Windows will be virtualized within software containers running on Ubuntu. I'd like to parse this quote a bit, and offer some of my own interpretation. Last Desktop version The inevitable disappearance of the desktop operating system has been discussed for decades. It is really a poor fit for the modern era. Unlike their more thin mobile counterparts, desktop operating systems really only work well if you have a systems administrator on-hand to handle issues ranging from malware to multi-application compatibility. System administrators, on the other hand, really want to centra...