Social media a better Doctor Who monster than WIFI
I'm a big fan of science fiction, and my favorite is Doctor Who . One thing I do find annoying is when science fiction is too light on the science part, and perpetuates the general lack of scientific knowledge of our "modern" society. Like constantly spelling quality with a "K", science fiction lacking in credible science makes us less intelligent while good science fiction can help us better understand ourselves, science, and how we interact with technology. While we don't know how to travel in time or as quickly in space, it is not that aspect of science fiction like Doctor Who that bothers me. I am bothered when science fiction takes a real-world technology and makes it into something it can't be, or stories which aren't internally consistent with how science would work in the fictional world created. Two recent Doctor Who episodes are examples of good and bad science: The Bells of Saint John is the most recent television episode(11'th Doc...