London Trip/Cory Doctorow/Pirate Cinema/Terrorism/Riots

My wife and I went on a vacation to London, leaving Ottawa on July 18th, and returning August 1'st. While we did the traditional tourist things, this is not what has been stuck in my mind since. I was a Copyfighter in London, so of course I sent an email to Cory Doctorow to see if we could meet in person. We met on the 26'th at Shoreditch House , his club. Among other things he handed me a discussion draft of his latest young adult book: Pirate Cinema (Third manuscript printing from May 18, 2011). From the beginning there was a familiarity that I loved from when I read Someone Comes to Town, Someone Leaves Town . Someone was set in Toronto, and had fictional characters doing things which were part fiction, part science, that made the line between what was real, what could be real, and what was pure fantasy sometimes a bit of a blur. Pirate Cinema is set in London, surrounding many of the places I had been which made reading it feel like an extension of my vacation. It w...