reader & writer & many more chat some more about Copyright
Author John Degen has posted some fictional conversations between a writer and a reader on his blog ( June 9 , June 10 ). I say it is fictional as it ignores how the relevant technology works, and thus not only the lack of clarity of the relationships between writers and readers but also the fact that there is a technology company as intermediary that separates there from being much of a relationship at all between writers and readers. It depicts some rare moment where all the parties involved have the same understanding of the relationship, likely because this is really just a case of John having a conversation with himself. While I offered a serious response on the IT World Canada blog , I thought it might be amusing to offer a silly response here (using the same blogger he uses, so possibly might encourage some conversation here as well). The scene... It is the year 2010. With any new form of communications technology in the last 30 years there have been people who have claimed...